Alumni - Outward Bound


We hope your time at Outward Bound was full of challenges and amazing memories, and that Anakiwa holds a special place in your heart.

By completing a course with us, you have joined a community of over 70,000 OB NZ alumni. And as they say in Anakiwa, the real journey begins when you return home.

Here are just a few ways you can keep the flame alive.

Stay connected

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Follow us and share your pics on Instagram @outwardboundnz #outwardboundnz

OB on your CV

Have you got OB on your CV?

Have you got OB on your CV?

If you’ve been on Outward Bound, but you haven’t put it on your CV yet, then you might be missing a trick in differentiating yourself from your competition in the job market. Read more

Achieve your goals and stay true to your values

Keep on track with the goals you set during your course:

  • Tell people about them and ask for their help - it's hard to do it on your own!
  • Re-evaluate your goals. Are they are realistic? Can you challenge yourself even more?
  • Break them down into smaller achievable stages- it's easier to start the journey with a single step.


how to reach your goals

Say Thanks

Most students receive some sort of support to attend OB including sponsorship, loaning gear, time off work, or even fitness tips. Now is the time to say thank you!

  • Share your story, and your thanks, with family, friends and employers.
  • Write to your supporters. It may have been Rotary, Lions, a Community Groups, or an individual donor through the Outward Bound Foundation. Just get in touch if you're not sure who supported you.


Paul Cartlidge

Help others get to Outward Bound

Kayakers help3

Give someone else the gift of Outward Bound: