Mind Body Soul - Outward Bound

Mind Body Soul

For ages 16-18 Duration 21 days

Achieve anything you set your mind to with the Mind Body Soul course - whether that’s going to uni or polytech, learning a trade, taking on a leadership role at school or simply making new friends. Your action-packed adventure will reveal your true strengths and you’ll spend time with your instructor learning how to apply these skills to everyday life.

With a real sense of independence, ability to set achievable goals and work well within a team, you’ll be open to whatever challenge comes your way.

I swapped social media for adventure, worries for quality chats with new friends and my comfort zone for some crazy and unforgettable experiences.

Courtney Durr

Bookings & Fees

Price and available dates below

2 Dec 2024 – 22 Dec 2024

$5,995 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

6 Jan 2025 – 26 Jan 2025

$5,995 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

8 Apr 2025 – 28 Apr 2025

$5,995 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

28 Jun 2025 – 18 Jul 2025

$5,995 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

19 Sep 2025 – 9 Oct 2025

$5,995 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

2 Dec 2025 – 22 Dec 2025

$5,995 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

Not quite ready to book? Message Payment options

PRICE INCREASE EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JULY 2024. Please note that some course fees will incur a price increase from this date.
Find more information about what your course fee covers here.



We believe in today’s digital world, we often forget to “live in the moment.” By keeping each day’s programme a surprise, we hope you can be present in the now. Here’s a sample of what you might get up to on an 8 or 21 day course in Anakiwa. But don’t hold us to it!

Day 3

Morning PT session with a short run and dip in the ocean, breakfast in dining hall, school assembly, check-in with your watch. Bus to the Pelorus River and set off on a two-day kayak journey. Campfire dinner and overnight at kayak camp. Reflection session around the campfire.

Day 4

Breakfast and day two of your kayak expedition. Return to Anakiwa for dinner, a debrief and an unpack from the last two days. Workshop session discussing coping mechanisms to conquer fear and self-perceived limitations.

Day 5

PT session, sea dip and run; breakfast in the dining hall; watch house clean; assembly; prepare for high ropes session at the school. Afternoon activity learning about personal values. Dinner in dining hall. Assist dinner service, cooking and cleaning. Overnight in watch house.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award

Are you completing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award? Select Outward Bound courses can be used to complete your Adventurous Journey section and/or Residential section. Find more information here.







All activities on our courses are designed to build transferable skills and attitudes.

The Mind, Body, Soul course focuses on helping teens build the independence and leadership qualities to make the most of their final school years and take on the new challenges lying ahead with confidence and self belief.

Of our alumni..

Leadership role

Key outcomes of Mind, Body, Soul include:

  • Greater self belief and acknowledgement of own capabilities
  • Better social skills and friendships
  • More confidence in group situations and better communication skills
  • Positive mindset to take on new challenges
  • Increased resilience and determination
  • A calmer attitude and approach when under pressure
  • Appreciation of diversity and the value of others around you
  • A better ability to deal with change

What you'll need

When you come to Outward Bound, there are items that you will need to bring with you and items that we will supply. As for the things that you need to bring - we encourage you to borrow as many items as you can, or buy second hand!

Check out our course gear list for a full run down and some hot tips on what to bring and what not to.

Gear list


Disconnect to Reconnect


Being without technology for the duration of your course can be one of the most empowering experiences but it's normal to feel a bit anxious about handing over your connection to the outside world. We caught up with 4 students from our Mind Body Soul course to see how they were feeling about being device free and what they thought about the experience after three weeks.


Some of our commonly asked questions answered...

The fitter you are, the more you will get out of your course. For our standard 8 or 21 day courses, you will need to be able to run 3km in under 25 minutes and complete a full day of activities. Some other courses have varying fitness requirements.

Check out our guide to getting fit and healthy for OB.

Firstly, every Solo experience is unique. Our highly skilled instructors manage the experience for each group based on a number of factors: the time allocated within the course type (it can vary from 1 to 3 days), the group’s emotional and physical requirements, the nature of the solo area programmed, and the weather. Students are always briefed about Solo by one of their instructors immediately before it begins. 

A solo area is made up of multiple defined solo sites, selected to be separate from other sites. Each site is within hearing distance (a shout or whistle) of at least one other site, which is one of the ways we can be assured that students remain safe. The students are dropped off one-by-one at their individual site, which truly fulfils the idea of being ‘solo’.  

Students are required to stay within a 10m radius of their sleeping site. It is not a survival experience, and students are provided with adequate shelter, food, and water. Toileting provisions are covered.

Instructors check in at least once a day on students to provide water refills, administer any medication needed, and check on their general well-being. An emergency phone and first aid kit are located at the halfway point of the solo site area. All students are made aware of the location of these and provided with instructions to follow in the event of an emergency. On our courses for 16 and 17 year olds, instructors camp right there at one of the solo sites so that an increased level of supervision is provided, and so that students can more easily access help or guidance if they need it.

All sites have been selected for their safety, serenity, and protection from the elements,. Each solo site is checked for hazards prior to a student being placed there.

Why do a solo?

The Solo experience on an Outward Bound course can foster self-awareness, self-confidence, a development in maturity, stronger personal values, and compassion towards others. Solo offers an opportunity to connect with our natural world and is positioned within the course at an appropriate time to have a well-earned rest. Having the time to sit with yourself is a great gift in a world where we move, with unbridled haste, from one transition to the next. Our mission at Outward Bound is to change lives through challenge and discovery, and the Solo experience embodies just that.

Letter writing is a great way to keep in touch during your course.

Your friends and family are welcome to send you letters as well. You can find Outward Bounds Anakiwa postal address here.

We will ask you to hand your mobile phone in at the start of your course so you can make the most of your experience and not get distracted. You can use our phone to make and receive calls in an emergency.

Yes! Select Outward Bound courses can be used to complete your Adventurous Journey section and/or Residential section. Find more information here.

View all our Frequently Asked Questions

Course Stories

Hear from people who completed a similar course

Want to see more of the Mind Body Soul course?

Check out our student highlight video of the incredible 21-day experience.


Watch now on YouTube

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