Anakiwa’s sacred ecosystem is in danger from destructive pests and we need your help to protect it.
Your donation today will replace old traps and keep native birds and trees safe from destructive pests this spring.
We urgently need 20 DOC 250 traps at a cost of $165 each, which control ferret, stoat, rat, and hedgehog populations, and 30 Flipping Timmy Possum Traps which cost $77 each.
Please donate now to help Anakiwa’s unique ecosystem survive and thrive for the generations of Outward Bounders to come.
Thank you for your generous support,
Malindi MacLean
Chief Executive - Tumuaki
Outward Bound New Zealand
If you would like to make a general donation to Outward Bound's mission, please enter a custom donation amount above.
Ngā mihi nui. Thank you from Outward Bound NZ.