Rock climbing was something I had never done or even thought of doing, mostly because I have a fear of heights.
On my first attempt, I could only climb ten steps up the rock face because the longer I spent holding onto the rock, contemplating the possibility of falling, the weaker I became.
Eventually, with everything shaking, I began hyperventilating and had to be helped down.
After two more similar attempts, I got off the rock and found a spot in the shade and observed my watchmates. They were really enjoying themselves on the wall, some were even attempting it blindfolded, and I thought ‘why can’t I do that’?
So, I decided to get back up and give it another go. This time however, with motivation from my instructor and my awesome watchmates, I made it to the top. And I knew I was in safe hands. I totally trusted them – they had me.
Having the quality equipment to keep us safe gave me the courage to push through. Just knowing that if I made a wrong move, I’d be fine because of the harness and helmet protecting me.
I’m thankful for the struggles I had at OB because without them I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strengths. I discovered the ability to live life wild and free and be able to adapt to whatever life throws at me – like rock climbing!
Student safety is number one at Outward Bound and maintaining and replacing equipment like ropes, helmets, harnesses and life jackets is ongoing.
Will you join me, and support Outward Bound with a donation for essential safety equipment, and help keep future students safe?
Yours in adventure,
Sithmi Sathruwani - Kupe 637
I'd like to help students like Sithmi stay safe at Outward Bound