Leave a Bequest - Outward Bound
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Leave a Bequest

Your bequest to Outward Bound is the ultimate gift

Approximately 60% of all people who come to Outward Bound require some form of financial support. Our school at Anakiwa changes lives each day, however the cost of running our operations are far higher than the course fee we charge. We receive no government funding, and therefore rely heavily on the generosity of donors like you.

Whilst the Outward Bound experience is priceless, there is a real cost to running courses at our Anakiwa school. Your legacy will ensure our sustainability and enable us to continue to deliver life-changing programmes.

We know from almost 60 years of experience that our courses have a life-long impact. Our recent evaluation study of past participants has shown:

  • 98% of alumni say OB helped them to believe in themselves
  • One in three have taken on a leadership role as a result of OB
  • 96% say Outward Bound has had a positive impact on their lives

We hope you know how grateful we are for every single donation we receive. But the truth is, if we had to rely on donations alone, it would simply not be enough to accomplish the work we do at Outward Bound.

That is why a gift in your Will to Outward Bound means so much. Only through such gifts from extraordinary people like you can we keep our work going.


Send me a bequest pack


Contact Charlotte Poletti for more information: cpoletti@outwardbound.co.nz

Les McGreevy's Gift

Working in the community has been one of the most important parts of my life. That’s not just words, it really has given me so much pleasure to realise that I can help people’s lives and communities.

Les McGreevy 1942 – 2019

Outward Bound has many wonderful supporters who recognise the powerful impact of leaving a bequest, knowing it may be the most transformational gift they will ever make.

One of these wonderful people was the kind and generous Les McGreevy.

In 1962, at 20, Les embarked on the second ever Outward Bound NZ course. In 2002, when he was 60, Les came back to complete a second course. 

Self-made Les never thought of himself as a philanthropist, despite the 50 odd years he spent volunteering his time and donating money to charities locally and nationally.

Les once said that “apart from family and work, what I do in the community, has been by far the biggest interest in my life.

Les regarded his work in community organisations as a pleasure, not a burden. He had a favourite Winston Churchill quotation: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Les was and always will be a cherished friend to Outward Bound, and a fierce advocate for community service.

His legacy will last for many years into the future. His bequest has enabled so many young New Zealanders to experience Outward Bound as he did himself.

Les McGreevy (above) was inspired by the Outward Bound motto, “To serve, to strive and not to yield.”


The Outward Bound Foundation

David Levene June 2010

The Outward Bound Foundation of New Zealand was created by Sir David Levene with the support of the Outward Bound NZ Trust Board to ensure the long-term sustainability of the organisation.

All bequests are managed by the experienced and independent trustees of the Outward Bound Foundation.

We pledge to be good stewards of your generosity. We know you entrust your legacy to us, and we take that honour very seriously. We have strict adherence to all ethical and legal obligations including charity laws and accounting practices. This is verified each year by independent auditors.

Words from our late Patron Sir David Levene:

Supporting Outward Bound since 1962 as a donor, Trust Director, Foundation Trustee, and as current Patron, has, on reflection, been very satisfying. This involvement has provided the opportunity to help many young people turn their lives around, and go on to achieve greatness in our communities.

Read more about Sir David Levene and his support of Outward Bound.


The preparation of a Will brings peace of mind, knowing that your affairs are in order and that the people and causes you care about are provided for as you intend – it is also a way to memorialize your important values.

Your legacy will ensure Outward Bound’s sustainability and enable us to continue to deliver life-changing programmes long into the future.

Whatever your situation, you can help make a difference and create a better world for young people to realise their full potential. Your support would transform lives.

A bequest may be the most transformational gift you will ever make, giving you the ability to change the lives of young New Zealanders, well beyond your lifetime.



When planning your Will, you need to seek expert legal advice to ensure that your instructions are legally binding and easy for your executors to administer. Your lawyer will keep a signed copy of your Will for you. You will also receive your own copy to keep in a safe place along with your other legal, financial, and personal records.



Bequests left to Outward Bound are invested in the Outward Bound Foundation which is separate from the Outward Bound Trust. The Outward Bound Foundation is governed by a Foundation Board who manage the funds wisely in strict adherence to all ethical and legal obligations including charity laws and accounting practices.

You can expect us to be good stewards of your generosity, we pledge to carry on our tradition of careful and prudent financial management. We have strict adherence to all ethical and legal obligations including charity laws and accounting practices. This is verified each year by independent auditors, and your donation is managed by experienced and independent trustees of the Outward Bound Foundation – who will ensure the future sustainability of Outward Bound.

The principle of the gift is never used only the interest earned each year (i.e. if someone left OB a bequest of $100,00 only the interest earned of approx. $4,000 would be used each year).

You have complete control of what your gift is used for, and we are happy for you to direct us.



You absolutely can. You can amend an existing Will to include Outward Bound NZ very simply by asking your lawyer to draw up a ‘codicil’. It is recommended to review your Will from time to time, as your circumstances change.



If you do not have a Will, the wording below will help you and your lawyer to include a bequest in your planned will.

If you already have a Will, the wording below will help you and your lawyer to prepare a codicil to document any changes you would like to make for your Will.

“I give and bequeath to Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand [insert here % of estate, or reside of estate, or sum of money, or a description of property or assets.] for general purposes. A receipt given on behalf of Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand will be the complete discharge to my trustees for the bequest.”

If you have made a provision in your Will for Outward Bound, or are planning to make a bequest, please let us know so that we can thank you for your generosity and keep you up to date with the latest news.



Your Will is a very personal document and you’re under no obligation to let us know if you’ve included a gift to us. However, if you have made provision in your Will for Outward Bound, or are planning to make a bequest, it would be wonderful if you did let us know so that we can thank you for your generosity and make you a member of our esteemed Kurt Hahn Club. Please contact Charlotte Poletti at cpoletti@outwardbound.co.nz.

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