Outward Bound was two weeks of my life I will never forget. This is due to numerous adventures, such as sailing up the Marlborough Sounds on a beautiful day or hiking up a challenging mountain and the learning component of the course. The OB journey benefited me in a way that has influenced everything I have gone on to do.
I had an absolute blast kayaking, rock climbing, sailing and tramping in safe but challenging environments. These adventures were the catalyst for my love of the outdoors, as it awoke me to the beauty of New Zealand’s landscapes and also gave me the confidence to go on to do these activities with friends after finishing the course.
During the course I continued to learn new skills and develop a better understanding of who I am as a person. The greatest skill OB gave me was not only the ability to change but also the want to seek it. Change for me encompasses finding ways to place myself in uncomfortable situations, for example jumping in the cold sea after a run! This highlighted the importance of feeling uncomfortable, as even though I hated, I felt really good once I warmed up. I realised that the decision for long term gain is often the harder path in life, as it involves going through a lot of short term challenges.
So, Outward Bound has not only awoken a love of the outdoors, it has instilled the need for continuous change, to ensure I am constantly growing as a person. Currently that involves putting myself in challenging social occasions, making the hard career choices which involve going back to the basics and continually growing by reading and challenging my perspective on life.
Outward Bound taught me that unless you are pushing yourself mentally and physically, you're not really living!