Professional - Outward Bound


For current and aspiring leaders of the business world Duration 5 days

In Anakiwa, we choose challenge over comfort; commitment over chit chat; outdoor splendor over stuffiness; how to think over what to think. We let you embrace the unknown, look risk in the eye and back yourself to succeed.

We are forging a new generation of leaders with resilience, adaptability, confidence and self awareness that the business world now needs.

Developed and delivered by expert instructors and facilitators, this is professional learning that lasts a lifetime.

Learn in our world, how to lead in yours.

I came to Outward Bound with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. It surpassed all of my expectations. I learned more about myself in these five days than I have over the past ten years.

Doreen Hooper, BCITO

Bookings & Fees

Price and available dates below

5 Sep 2024 – 9 Sep 2024

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Limited places left

8 Sep 2024 – 12 Sep 2024

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Limited places left

12 Sep 2024 – 16 Sep 2024

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Limited places left

4 Nov 2024 – 8 Nov 2024

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Limited places left

11 Nov 2024 – 15 Nov 2024

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

18 Nov 2024 – 22 Nov 2024

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

12 Mar 2025 – 16 Mar 2025

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

24 Mar 2025 – 28 Mar 2025

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

5 May 2025 – 9 May 2025

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

19 May 2025 – 23 May 2025

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

21 May 2025 – 25 May 2025

$4,683 (ex. GST)

$5,385 (incl. GST)

Spaces available

Not quite ready to book? Message Payment options

PRICE INCREASE EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JULY 2024. Please note that some course fees will incur a price increase from this date.
Find more information about what your course fee covers here.



OB Pro will put you in real situations with real consequences. You'll take on a series of experiential challenges using the bush and waterways of the Marlborough Sounds as your classroom.  You'll work through situations while tramping, camping, at sea and in the water, and during height activities, that will all challenge you physically, mentally and emotionally. These outdoor activities are integrated with workshop sessions led by our expert facilitators who will help you maximise the impact of your learnings and assist you in embedding these skills back in your workplace.


What's included?

  • 5 days of experiential learning
  • 1 x business/leadership facilitator
  • 2 x experiential instructors
  • Psychometric profiling and debrief
  • All specialist equipment
  • All meals (dietary requirements accommodated)
  • Access to supplementary clothing and footwear
  • Course collateral
  • Shared accommodation

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In preparation for the programme, you will complete a Team Management Profile (TMP) online that will identify your preferred working style. As part of this pre-course work, your manager or supervisor is asked to provide feedback on you, along with selected peers.

The outcomes of these tools are presented to participants during workshop sessions where they will learn about their own working style and others, and witness these styles come to life during the activities and challenges. Through integrating the same unique learning outcomes we’ve delivered since 1962 with experts in professional development, you'll emerge with resilience, adaptability, confidence and self-awareness.







After Outward Bound

How an Outward Bound Experience Inspired a Lawyer to Partnership

How an Outward Bound Experience Inspired a Lawyer to Partnership

Sarah Scott, a partner at the Simpson Grierson law firm in Christchurch, completed an Outward Bound Professional course in 2014. As she explains, her experience in Anakiwa has filtered into and influenced many aspects of her professional life. Read more


What you'll need

When you come to Outward Bound, there are items that you will need to bring with you and items that we will supply. As for the things that you need to bring - we encourage you to borrow as many items as you can, or buy second hand!

Check out our course gear list for a full run down and some hot tips on what to bring and what not to.

Gear list




Some of our commonly asked questions answered...

Our Discovery course is a personal development course which you will find out more about yourself and your limits through the challenges. Alongside physical challenges, Discovery also focuses on personal reflection and guides students on how to set personal goals and evaluate and reorganize your identified life priorities. 

Our Professional course is a personal and professional development course which focuses on leadership by encouraging you to openly test your current leadership theories while learning from other professionals from various industries. Guiding you through this course are two skilled Outward Bound instructors (the same as a Discovery course) and a trained leadership facilitator (not included on Discovery course) who will provide guidance and coaching on how to be an effective leader in the workplace. This course integrates the use of 360 workplace feedback and explores different learning styles profiles.

Yes! We can help you build a training case to present to your manager to show them the value of an Outward Bound course.

Get in touch with our friendly team here and they'll provide you with the relevant tools to help build your case.

The fitter you are, the more you will enjoy it! You must be able to comfortably run 3km in under 25 minutes, plus complete a full day's physical activity.

Check out our guide to getting fit and healthy for OB.

View all our Frequently Asked Questions

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