Inspirational Stories - Outward Bound
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Inspirational Stories

Inspirational Stories

Sarah's story - the power of self-belief

Sarah's story - the power of self-belief

At Outward Bound, we give you the opportunity to write a letter to yourself during your solo - a time of intense reflection in perfect solitude. Sarah's letter is powerful, emotional and if you've ever wondered about taking up the OB challenge, be warned, Sarah's account will have you signed up in no time. Read more

Preparing for a big adventure

Preparing for a big adventure

Team OB have just set off on their big GODZone adventure, however the real adventure started well over 12 months ago for the team, or – one could argue – has been years in the making. Read more

Katrina Sneath finds a new Horizon

Katrina Sneath finds a new Horizon

My name is Katrina Sneath and earlier this year I did the eight -day Outward Bound Horizons course at Anakiwa. I have Down Syndrome. I don’t let this stop me! In fact, it makes me even more determined to find out what is possible in life. It isn’t always easy, but I love trying new things. Read more

11 things you'll soon learn at Outward Bound

11 things you'll soon learn at Outward Bound

From the weird to the wonderful, find out what really goes down on an Outward Bound course Read more

Brother to Brother: From Cape Reinga to Bluff

Brother to Brother: From Cape Reinga to Bluff

Last month OB alumnus and father of seven Ollie joined 17 other cyclists to begin a north to south bike ride. Together, their aim was to raise awareness of Pacific Island and Maori men's health issues.  Read more

Devon's journey to Outward Bound

Devon's journey to Outward Bound

Devon's journey to OB was unlike many others - his boss began to secretly fundraise on his behalf. Read his story of overcoming adversity to achieve his dream. Read more

When I'm 64 - A Story from Jan Blythe

When I'm 64 - A Story from Jan Blythe

The Beatles sang all about it. But sexagenarian and Scott Watch legend Jan Blythe has actually done it. A day before her 65th birthday, Jan completed a Masters course in one of our coldest June's on record. She loved it! Read more