Inspirational Stories - Outward Bound
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Inspirational Stories

Inspirational Stories

Inspiring Alumni - Arthur Tompkins

Inspiring Alumni - Arthur Tompkins

Arthur Tompkins clearly doesn’t do things by halves: a district court judge, art crime specialist and eight-time Coast to Coast competitor, it's no surprise that he has also completed three OB courses over 40 years! Read more

Bob's OB Experience at 70

Bob's OB Experience at 70

What makes a great 70th birthday present? An Outward Bound course, of course! Read Bob's first hand account from when he first discovered he was going to OB, to when he completed his 8 days in Anakiwa. Read more

Feeding the Good Taniwha

Feeding the Good Taniwha

Our Hiringa schools course has been offered to Year 12 students in the Auckland region since 2013. In 2019, a second Hiringa course was added. Read how these courses have had a positive impact on the lives of these 28 students. Read more

Paige's Journey

Paige's Journey

"Being at Outward Bound showed me how happy I can be. I came back more confident and found what I’m capable of." Paige's journey to Outward Bound wasn't easy. But she is now excited about the future and unlocking her potential since completing her course. Read more

Inspiring Alumni - Lisa Phillips

Inspiring Alumni - Lisa Phillips

Two years ago, at age 40, Christchurch based Lisa Phillips took part in the low impact 8-day Aspire course. Lisa shares her amazing journey with us and the excitement of discovering a whole new side of herself. Read more

Bound For Adventure

Bound For Adventure

For those willing to step outside their comfort zone. Outward Bound offers the unique opportunity to make new friends, connect with the natural world, and possibly even find something in yourself that you never knew was there. Read more

Inspiring Alumni: Dianna Smith

Inspiring Alumni: Dianna Smith

Twenty-seven-year-old Mum of two, Dianna Smith attributes her decision to follow her dream and open a cake shop in her hometown of Whangamata to the skills she learnt on her OB course. Read more