Inspirational Stories - Outward Bound
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Inspirational Stories

Inspirational Stories

Jordan's story - A place of healing

Jordan's story - A place of healing

Kia ora my name is Jordan Dwight. I am from Whangarei and I go to Kamo High School. I want to share my story with you because you may have heard how Outward Bound can change lives, but did you know it is also a place of healing? Read more

Craig's reaching new heights he never thought possible

Craig's reaching new heights he never thought possible

My name is Craig and I am a proud OB Alumnus. But I am not like most students who attend. I am 24 years old and I have had four strokes. These have left me with difficulty walking, slightly slurred speech, and minor fine motor skills reduction. Last year I had the amazing privilege of being able to attend the Outward Bound Activate course. Read more

From survivor to supporter

From survivor to supporter

On her own road to recovery, Brenda attended an Aspire course earlier this year and returned not only with a new found confidence, but an inspirational desire to support others on their journey. Read more

James shares his Professional Course experience

James shares his Professional Course experience

James' Professional Development Course showed him the importance of stepping back and letting others take responsibility. Read more

Living in the moment- Chelsea's Masters Course

Living in the moment- Chelsea's Masters Course

Learning to deal with the unexpected is a skill. Read about how Chelsea learnt to live in the moment. Read more

Becoming a leader at Outward Bound

Becoming a leader at Outward Bound

Leadership isn't always about leading a team from the front. Read about the different experiences these watchmates have had of leadership at Anakiwa and the impact it's made on their day-to-day. Read more

A letter from Chris and Logan

A letter from Chris and Logan

When I found out my 13 year old foster son Logan had the wonderful gift of a scholarship to Outward Bound and he needed an adult to accompany him I knew it had to be me! Read more